

近況の小糸製作所(7276)関連 国内株投資家

24時間以内に7276 小糸製作所に関連するツイートや株価の予想をしている国内株式投資についてつぶやく株アカウントを影響力のある順に並べています。※サイト内の個人投資家/株トレーダーから数が多い株アカウント順。

7276 (株)小糸製作所

市場: 東証PRM

業種: 電気機器

業界: 自動車および自動車部品

KOITO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of automotive lighting equipment, aircraft parts, railway vehicles parts, electrical equipment and measuring equipment. The Company mainly operates in six segments, including Japan, China, Asia, North America, Europe and Others. The Company’s major products include light-emitting diode (LED) head lamps, discharge head lamps, headlights, sign lamps, high mount stop lamps, halogen bulbs, miniature bulbs and other lamp fittings, control equipment for rail vehicles, roads traffic signals, traffic control systems, roads and tunnels illumination lamps, facilities illumination lamps, accommodation equipment, aircraft parts, electronic parts, head lamps cleaners, sheets for aircraft and rail vehicles, as well as environment control equipment. The Company is also engaged in the development and manufacture of forward monitoring operation support systems for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) through subsidiary. 7276 小糸製作所の株価/情報まとめ

小糸製作所関連の代表的なTwitter株アカウント ※24時間以内に7276小糸製作所に関するツイート有り
