

あじかん (2907) 株予想・IR反応@ツイッター[2025年2月18日]

あじかん(2907)に関連するツイッターのタイムライン。株価の予想や実況。2025-02-18に呟かれた内容になります。最新のツイートはあじかん ツイッター株予想・IR反応 新着から。

2907 (株)あじかん

市場: 東証STD

業種: 食料品

業界: 食品とタバコ

AHJIKAN CO.,LTD. is a Japan-based company principally engaged in the manufacture, sale and wholesale of egg processed products, vegetable processed products, fisheries products and other food, as well as the production and sale of agricultural products. The Company operates its business through two business segments, Commercial Food Business segment and Health Food segment. The Company’s main products are tamagoyaki, crab flavor kamaboko, processed vegetables and burdock tea related products. 2907 あじかんの株価/情報まとめ

